I was given an assignment of designing a mural to cover a very large blank wall in the Office of Student Involvement at UMSL. The details of what was wanted were very scarce, so after brainstorming with one of my student employees we came up with the idea of a wall of images that is so full that you notice something new every time you look at it.
Everything on the mural has something to do with either UMSL Student Involvment or college life in general. Everything was sketched out by hand. Then I scanned in the images, traced them in Illustrator, arranged it all and colored it, then projected it onto the wall, traced in pencil, then painted it.
All in all it took a few months to complete (while also doing my normal assignments, but it is one of my favorite things I've every created.

We also decided while designing everything, the format we had chosen would make it easy to implement all of these assets into other media, so as to have a cohesive design to advertise the Office of Student Involvement. We ended up using this a variety of collateral including tshirts, posters, handouts, and coloring books.